Women army in uniform played a key role during both the world wars, World War I & World War II and thus there is a huge market for genuine or replica of women army uniforms and accessories around the world. They served the role of ground force as mechanics, ground crew, and fitters. Whether it is Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), Women in the Air Force (WAF), Women Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), Women’s Army Corp (WAC), or even German Helferin military units, all play a major decisive role for their respective countries. To meet the demands for collectors, theatres, and film production houses for women military uniforms and accessories, there are leading online retailers who custom stitch reproductions of uniforms based on your body measurements. One of the leading retailers where you can order custom-made reproductions of WorldWar 1 (ww1, wwi), World War 2 (ww2, wwii) women army uniforms, military kitsand accessories is Replicaters.com . Collectors,...
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